What did i learn ?

I have been trying to be a above average parent to my two boys while also making sure I focus on things I like to do as well.

So Vinh to all who already know is the most mischievious one of the house hold. He does not like rules, he does not like sitting in a single spot for more than a second, jumping is the best sport to him.. and this involves American ninja moves and jumps. (I can hear my mom laughing her lungs out..and enjoying)

As for Suriya who is a very sensitive and a very articulate young man tries to balance being a big brother and a regular little boy. He is interested in understanding, learning and listening to audio books.The best part is he likes movies like Willie Wonka and Chocolate Factory , Back to the Future slowly will show him Hairspray, Jurrasic Park and so on.

They are both super excited to go meet the family in India and ask me every day if its time to board the plane to India. I try to contain my excitement while answering their question every day. Daddy is getting used to demands of two little creatures asking a million questions while they try to play a single game of catch.

We have set our new year resolution to start exploring the beauty of the earth because not sure how long it is going to last. Yellowstone, Alaska, Mudumalai and everything that is still untouched. The boys love the outdoors and I believe as a part I should enable them to explore the nature and decide for themselves where to spend their time inside the house in front of a screen or outside another screen which is pristine.

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